Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a rare condition that progressively damages parts of the nervous system. This leads to muscle weakness, often with visible wasting. MND, also known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), occurs when specialist nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord called motor neurones stop working properly. This is known as Neurodegeneration.
Motor neurones control important muscle activity, such as:
- Gripping – a weakened grip, which can cause difficulty picking up or holding objects
- Muscles weakness – weakness at the shoulder that makes lifting the arm difficult
- Walking – a “foot drop” caused by weak ankle muscles (dragging of the leg)
- Speaking – slurred speech (dysarthria)
- Swallowing
- Breathing
As the condition progresses, some or all of these activities become increasingly difficult.
Frontotemporal Dementia is known as familial motor neurone disease. In most of these cases, faulty genes have been identified as making a major contribution to the development of the condition. This type of dementia that can affect personality and behaviour.
How can Rehab Basics Help?
Physiotherapy intervention can help relieve symptoms and help to slow down the condition’s progression.
- Help with Muscle cramps
- Improve Muscle stiffness (spasticity) Exercise and stretches can help reduce stiffness
- Improve Muscle Weakness and Posture – MND isn’t usually a painful condition. If you experience pain, it’s often aching joints caused by muscle weakness or a change in posture.
- Breathing exercises help to improve chest clearance and reducing the chance of chest infections breathing patterns.
- Advice on appropriate equipment
Treatment Sessions are offered in clinics across Northamptonshire and Milton Keynes or at Home Environment.
For further information about our service or to book an appointment with Rehab Basics please contact us
Rehab Basics offers Treatment Sessions in Clinics across Northamptonshire and Milton Keynes OR at Home Environment.